When is the right time to re-design your brand identity?

You may have wondered when is the right time to rebrand your business. You are not alone.

First, a small disclaimer: I don't think anyone can tell from the outside when the time is right for you to actually do anything. Rather, I believe that everyone knows themselves best, their own situation, resources, goals, and changes in themselves + business. The willingness to change grows within oneself, or it does not grow – both are equally correct.

I want to encourage you to do what you feel is right in this matter as well, that's the most important thing in the end. ✨

But if you've been wondering if it might soon be a good time for you to rebrand your business, here's what you should think about:

  • Do you feel at home in your brand's visual identity?

  • Does it represent you at the moment?

  • Does it convey the vibe you want to convey to your customers?

  • Is it effective (i.e. does it attract and even hook the customers of your dreams to you)?

  • Is your look consistent across the board, do you have a color palette, and have enough variations of your logo?

If you answered "no" to one or more of the questions, then a good time to update the visual look may be in the near future.

Let's delve a little deeper:

The best time to change your brand identity is when you feel that your company no longer represents (or has ever represented) you and what you want to do and be.

If you feel a little uncomfortable inviting people to your website or showing them your printed products, it may be because you don't feel that they give you the image you want.

And sometimes it kind of just grows past its brand: the things that once felt right no longer speak to you. Perhaps the target group has changed or become more specific, perhaps the nature and values of the activity have become clearer, perhaps there have been other changes in the company and the old look no longer feels right.

I always ask my clients when we start working together why they want to renew their brand image right now. Most of the responses can be found in that earlier paragraph.

In many cases, the entrepreneur says that the old corporate look is nice, but now they want to take it to level 2.0: nice is no longer enough. A change in brand image often wants to reflect one's own internal change and / or seek a new boost for one's own work. That is what it usually gives, so the willingness to change is justifiable.

Change is an opportunity

In this matter, as so many times anyway, I want to encourage you to dare to rethink things:

If you don't feel at home inside your own business, if you don't get the strength you need from it, or if it doesn't serve your goals, don't be afraid to change it. Your own feeling is right, then point it in any direction.

And at least don't let anyone say that your corporate identity doesn't matter. In addition to the fact that it may have a lot of significance for your business, it has a huge impact on how you feel about doing your own work.

It all depends on your own feelings, because You are at the heart of your brand. This is your story, and it matters.

If you feel that I might be the right person to work for change with you, feel free to contact us and let's think about how we could join forces!

Annika xx


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