Why you should be careful not to look like everyone else

A brand is the unique story that people recall when they think of you. This story associates your service with your clients’ personal stories.

It's about your uniqueness, the solutions you promise and your position compared to your competitors.

The magic is in recognising what you do differently.


Whether it's your skills, your values, your brand aesthetics, or the emotions you evoke in your audience.

But ok, does this sound familiar: the volume of your inquiries is going up and down like a roller coaster, and so is the quality of them. You have times when you get approached by dream clients, and then again by people who are very far from your desired audience. Sometimes your calendar is overbooked, and sometimes you go weeks without a single client project?

You may be present in your marketing efforts, but it's irregular and lacking a clear and coherent message.

If the above sounds familiar, you're not alone! And trust me, you'll get out of it. How? Wait and I'll tell you.

What makes you you?

To find what you're looking for here, I recommend you take a few moments, sit down snoozing notifications and distractions. And journal around some things you notice that set you apart from your competitors. Then reflect:

How can you leverage your differentiators?

How do you bring them to the limelight?

How can you build your brand story with their help?

And what is your 'why' in the end: why do you do exactly what you do?

Successful brands know what they are doing and why it matters. Marketing and selling everything to everyone has hardly ever been a recipe for sustainable success and a prosperous brand.

Instead, strengthening your brand personality, sharing your point of view out in the public, appealing to a smaller audience and finding your own style are key to sustainable growth.

People will remenber details

Once you have reached your conclusion (as mentioned above), you have your differentiating factor in your hands! Next, think about ways to leverage it and your unique story in your marketing: on your website, newsletter, blog, social media, Instagram stories or emails. In your own way, in your own words.

Clarifying your own story is in your brand's best interest and helps your audience understand what your brand is all about. Feel free to let the strangest details shine in your story - they're the ones your audience will remember. And are likely to identify with the most.

When you use your brand story in your marketing, your audience will likely become loyal followers of your journey.

A good foundation is the key to success

Thoughout the landscape of your brand’s life, you will need a variety of building blocks: visual, concrete and verbal. A successful brand has a good foundation - a brand strategy as we like to call in in our services 

On top of that foundation, the strategy, you will build everything that is visible to the public and customers: brand identity and messaging, forms, words, images, emotions. These building blocks are the fuel for how your brand is understood and what it delivers to your audience. There are a million ways to be viewed and seen, but after a solid groundwork, entrepreneurship and marketing is inspiring, effortless and fun. And it's easy for your audience to fall in love with your brand.

Our free 5-day brand strategy challenge is already used and praised by hundreds of entrepreneurs - try it yourself.

Book a free introductory call if you are interested in finding out how we can support you in developing a strong brand strategy (in general & for social media) and brand identity.

Annika xx


How to choose the wrong brand color


How to turn a small business into a successful brand